With top R & D specialists together, Santint has built the largest R & D center in the industry in the world. We have obtained over 160 patents,
including 6 international patents, 15 invention patents and 25 software copyrights.
030%Bring together 30% of R & D elites in the global industry
06International Patents
015Invention Patents
025Software Copyrights
Multiple revolutionary and unique innovation technologies bring
subversive revolution for the development of the industry.
P6 PumpFor industrial dispensing, accuracy and efficiency are not easily taken into consideration at the same time. P6 pump developed by Santint can achieve 1000ml/min efficiency and 1/1024 accuracy simultaneously. P6 pump’s hard-to-soft operating structure solves the premature wear issues.
Hummingbird TechnologyHummingbird technology breaks the bottleneck of latex paint tinting industry, which reaches the minimum shot of 1/3000Y and achieves precise tinting of the sample paint.
100% Recirculation100% recirculation technology: zero nozzle dryness/blockage, zero purge and higher efficiency, which saves the colorant cost and achieves the higher accuracy.